
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Banana Cake II

Last night I had the opportunity to bake! I had some ripening bananas that needed to be used up. I've also been out of the kitchen for a few weeks, and the coconut flour - banana combination was just calling to me! Smeared with some almond or peanut butter for some extra protein, this will be a great grab-and-go breakfast item for me.

Remember my original Banana Cake? I decided to do a second version, hence the name Banana Cake II, with all the ingredients I had available to me in my dorm room. The original recipe has a special topping, while this one is plain for ease of transport.

Overall I am happy with the results. It smelled amazing, rose well in the oven, and came out ooey-gooey banana-y. The recipe is not perfect, and that's why I am not sharing it with you today. Next time bananas are too ripe for eating, I will be baking banana cake II again. This time I need to add a bit more coconut flour (the cake was too moist), a bit more sweetness and maybe change the fat from butter to coconut oil, with a splash of vanilla for taste.

Bananas + Coconut flour + GF oats soaked in raw milk + cinnamon = Real Food for breakfast.

Want a recipe NOW? Click here for my original Banana Cake recipe! I've made it several times and it's a winner. Having either ripe bananas always on hand, or pre-measured mashed bananas frozen in the freezer, makes this recipe easy to whip up anytime!


  1. Well, I personally had the pleasure to try this Banana Cake II recipe, and I must say it was pretty tasty! I'm sure it will taste just as good, if not better, with the upcoming improvements :)
    Keep up the good work, Meggy!

  2. Banana bread, banana muffins, banana pancakes...I love them all! This recipe looks wonderful! I just need to buy some almond flour. :-)

  3. This looks fantastic! Yum! thanks for sharing your recipe! I looooove banana....


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