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Things I Like
Friday, January 19, 2018
Dr. Meg's Homemade Blueberry Juice.
You guys, this stuff is RAD. It's rad both because it tastes good and because it's good FOR you! In medical school, we received e...
Friday, June 24, 2016
Black Bean Brownies.
This version included walnuts! If you've never had black bean brownies, now is the time to try them. Like many people, I was skept...
Friday, December 25, 2015
The Most Awesome Massaged Kale Salad.
A few months after getting on the "I love kale" band-wagon, I discovered just how great massaged kale salads taste. Also, they ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Benefits of Coconut Flour.
Many of you readers (hello! long time no see!) know how much I loooove coconut flour. Coconut flour has been such a great option for me, f...
Monday, January 5, 2015
Olive Oil Roasted Cabbage.
I thought I was a foodie before I tried roasted cabbage. I was clearly wrong. Prepare to have your culinary minds blown. After all, it'...
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